Your checklist for renting a crane in the USA

Got the perfect crane in mind for your project and a great rate too? Great! But hold on – before you sign off on the rental agreement, Crane Compare's checklist has some important points and tips for you to consider that can make all the difference.

15 important questions to ask before renting a crane

Before you rent a crane, remember to check a few important things. Crane Compare's Checklist is here to help, whether you're renting for the first time or you've done this before. These tips of what to ask is all about making sure you're safe and your crane rental goes well.

The checklist makes it easy. It covers things like making sure you have the right insurance, getting the permits you need, and following safety rules. It's designed to guide you through the crane rental process smoothly and with confidence.
  • Training and Qualifications
    Confirm that crane operators are properly trained and certified, including specific training for the crane type.
  • Insurance
    Verify the rental company's insurance coverage, including liability insurance.
  • Permits
    Ensure the company assists in obtaining necessary permits for your location and crane type.
  • Risk Assessments
    Discuss the company's risk assessment procedures for evaluating site-specific hazards and crane operation risks.
  • Compliance and Safety Protocols
    Inquire about the company's adherence to safety standards and regulatory requirements.
  • Environmental Compliance
    Check for any environmental regulations specific to your project area.
  • Site Preparation Requirements
    Discuss site clearance, ground stabilization, and access routes needed before crane arrival.
  • Delivery and Setup
    Confirm logistics of crane delivery and setup, including timelines and any additional costs.
  • Maintenance and Servicing
    Understand maintenance and servicing responsibilities during the rental period.
  • Operational Support
    Ask about technical assistance and emergency services provided during operation.
  • Emergency Procedures
    Clarify emergency response procedures, including contact numbers and steps to follow.
  • Rental Agreement Terms
    Review the rental agreement for liabilities, cancellations, extensions, and other clauses.
  • Local Laws and Community Considerations
    Inquire about local and state laws, noise restrictions, and working hour considerations.
  • Post-Rental Procedures
    Understand the process for crane demobilization and return, including handling damages.
  • Review of Past Projects and References
    Consider asking for examples of past projects or references from the rental company.
This guide, along with the resources and connections provided by Crane Compare, aims to make your crane rental experience as seamless and safe as possible. Crane Compare serves solely as a platform to connect crane renters with crane rental companies, and we do not have control over or involvement in the management of these companies. It is the responsibility of the renter to ensure all necessary checks and verifications are made with the rental company directly.

Please note, this checklist is intended for guidance only; we encourage renters to conduct their own due diligence and not rely solely on this information, as Crane Compare does not assume liability for rentals.